People who are performing to the best of their abilities can have a hugely positive impact throughout a department or company, not to mention on the balance sheet. Just imagine if your departments and teams were led by highly motivated people who were committed to getting the best out of people who report to them, who in turn were committed to better performance. Workforce selection therefore, has to identify the smart, quick thinkers who can create the compelling and visionary sense of purpose to take the organisation forward, be innovative and future focused, open to different possibilities and decisive when faced with ambiguity. Coaching and mentoring has a part to play in supporting these individuals by providing the skills, knowledge and behaviours required to create the environment for success. Developing a coaching culture requires a cadre of coaches and mentors with the knowledge and experience to support your organisations vision. Developing those people is important and can be expensive if you get it wrong. Bruck Payne Associates offer a unique ILM5 coaching and mentoring programme. We work with individuals on a 1:1 basis to develop their skills and confidence. As the programme progresses we introduce them to ‘coaching a stranger’, allocating someone from an opposite industry for them to try out their skills. On one of the workshops we introduce them to our mental health specialist to cover the basics of wellbeing and use of appropriate tools for the coach to use. On other occasions we involve them in coaching supervision days where they mix with coaches from other industries to ensure best practice is shared and CPD adhered to. Our tutors are all accredited ILM5/7 coaches and mentors, many with the additional benefit of being psychometric practitioners, counsellors and very experienced board level executive coaches. All our tutors are from the world of work and not just academics.
In order to complete the Programme successfully, participants must:
Attend all workshops.
Attend two one-to-one tutorial sessions with tutor.
Complete all ILM required assessments.
Complete eighteen one-to-one coaching sessions with four coachees (each coachee to receive four one-hour coaching sessions from you). This equates to the 18 hours coaching required for the CERTIFICATE.
Complete fifty four one-to-one coaching sessions with nine coachees (each coachee to receive six one-hour coaching sessions from you). This equates to the 54 hours coaching required for the DIPLOMA.
Complete the Coaching Questionnaire for self and coachees and receive a Pre and Post Programme report.
Book Review.
There are three mandatory units in each qualification.
The first unit: ‘Understanding the skills, principles and practice of effective management coaching and mentoring’(Valid for both CERTIFICATE & DIPLOMA) This unit aims to provide learners with an understanding of the skills, principles and practice required for effective coaching or mentoring within an organisational context.
The second unit: ‘Undertaking Effective Coaching or Mentoring within an Organisational Context’’ (For CERTIFICATE ONLY). This unit aims for the learner to undertake a minimum of 18 hours of effective coaching or mentoring within an organisational context plus a minimum of a 1 hour meeting with their supervisor. The learner will be able to identify areas for improvement through feedback and ongoing review.
The second unit: ‘Undertaking an Extended Period of Effective Coaching or Mentoring within an Organisational Context’’ For DIPLOMA ONLY This unit aims for the learner to undertake a minimum of 54 hours of effective coaching or mentoring within an organisational context plus a minimum of a 3 hour meeting with their supervisor. The learner will be able to identify areas for improvement through feedback and ongoing review.
The third unit : ‘Reviewing Own Ability as a Coach or Mentor within an Organisational Context’. (Valid for bothCERTIFICATE & DIPLOMA. This unit aims for the learner to holistically review on their ability to perform effectively as a coach or mentor within an organisational context.
The Certification Process:
At the end of the programme your file should be presented to Bruck Payne Associates for assessment.
On successful completion of the required ILM assessments, coaching & mentoring portfolio (18 hours) and interview the candidate can be awarded the CERTIFICATE.
On successful completion of the required ILM assessments, coaching & mentoring portfolio (54 hours) and interview the candidate can be awarded the DIPLOMA.