Bruck Payne Associates purpose is to improve the world of work.  Our central proposition is that engaging employees in their work and organisation through sound and ethical leadership and practical development interventions is the only way to achieve sustainable high performance.  

We have extensive experience of working in the public, private and voluntary sectors with leaders at all levels

ImpactLeader ModelILM

The British model of policing is admired around the world, a reputation well deserved and hard to maintain without rigorous workforce training and development.
BPA offers bespoke police services with a variety of creative ways to motivate and inspire people to reach their full potential.

The LEADER model comprises 6 pragmatic self-learning workbooks that cover both fundamental leadership and management skills. This versatile and unique learning system also has a measurement tool in the form of a 360 report. A great way to identify return on investment.

Bruck Payne Associates Ltd and Inside Leadership is an ILM Recognised Provider. As a recognised provider, we run a range of approved coaching and management development programmes, which are suitable for Continued Professional Development.
Artemis & ApolloPsychometricsNews

The Artemis and Apollo business mentoring group is for executive women and men from private, public and voluntary sectors, who wish to become more effective in the way they manage and lead their organisations.

Bruck Payne Leadership Associates 360
Myers Briggs
GC Index
Hay Emotional Intelligence
16PF Strengthscope

Information and updates on all our programmes, events, speakers and delegates